UNITED against bullying
Moseley Park are UNITED against bullying!
This year’s Anti-bullying Week begins on Monday 16th November. In preparation for this year’s theme, students have been working on their year group Anti-bullying pledges for the 2020-2021 academic year. Each form group produced their own pledge which was then collated by the Year Lead to produce an overall Year group pledge. We have attached these here so you can see the creative ‘pledges’ our students have designed to support Anti-bullying at Moseley Park.
These jigsaw pieces will be displayed around the school and then a collective ‘Anti-Bullying Pledge Puzzle’ will be displayed to remind all our staff, students and visitors on our stance against bullying.
The school are taking part on Monday 16th November in ‘Odd Socks Day’ to promote uniqueness and individuality of students within our community school.
We hope you unite with us against bullying at Moseley Park.