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Tidy Effort As Sixth Formers Have Bags Of Fun Cleaning Up The Neighbourhood

Sixth form students rolled up their sleeves and donned hi-vis vests to collect litter from the streets around Moseley Park.

More than a dozen bin bags were filled during the task, which saw students venture as far as Peascroft Wood in their efforts to get the neighbourhood looking spick and span.

Around 90 students from both Moseley Park and Heath Park joined the clean-up efforts as part of the latest activity in their NCS (National Citizen Service) programme.

During the last few weeks they have been taking part in a range of activities, including outward bounds and speaking skills workshops.

They have now moved on to the final stage of the process, giving back to the community. Today’s litter pick marked the start of activities.

Mr Fitzgerald, Head of Post-16, said: “I was very impressed with how much litter was collected today. The area around the front of the school is incredibly tidy. Well done to the sixth form – and hopefully it will stay litter-free for a bit.”