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Smiles As Sixth Formers Enjoy NCS Fun

Sixth form students took a leap into the unknown during a week-long residential visit. The annual trip sees students from Central Sixth complete the National Citizen Service (NCS) programme at Kingswood Colomendy in North Wales....

Read Around The World

This year we are embarking on an exciting trip around the world with our reading. Each half term we will focus on a continent (this half term we have been looking at Africa). Each week,...

Houses of Parliament Trip

The Student Council enjoyed a trip down to London visiting the Houses of Parliament. They first had a guided tour through the House of Lords, House of Commons and Westminster Hall. Secondly, our students had...

World Mental Health Day 2023

World Mental Health Day (10 Oct) is a day to talk about mental health and show everyone that mental health matters. It’s also a day to let people know that it’s okay to ask for help,...

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