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Anti-Bullying Week

This week students have been spreading the theme of “One Kind Word” around the school to tackle bullying and get students to realise that bullying is not the way. Student Leaders have planned and delivered...

Career Aspirations

Moseley Park have been working with Genesis Sun to inspire our students to reach their potential. Our students are currently working on an App for Genesis Sun to gain the necessary skills in design technology...

Moseley Park School BBC Bitesize Tour 2021

We were delighted to host the BBC Bitesize Schools Tour 2021.  The theme for this year’s tour was Innovation. There is an increasing skills gap appearing in the science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics sectors (STEAM), which is costing...

Growing Garden Project Gets A Welcome Boost

Green-fingered students are celebrating after receiving a special gift to mark the centenary of a global volunteer movement. Members of the Bilston branch of Soroptimist International visited school last week to present a signature tree...

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