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Eid al Fitr

Eid al Fitr, a three-day celebration after Ramadan. Eid al Fitr is a religious festival for Muslims around the world. It marks the end of Ramadan, and it serves as a reward from Allah to...

Genesis Sun Ascension Programme

Students from Moseley Park have been attending the Ascension programme organised by Genesis Sun. The programme uses role models and life skills to inspire young people to be the best they can be. ITV was...

NCS – National Citizen Service Trip

Wednesday, April 5th 2022 – Weston-super-Mare Over 100 Year 13 Central Sixth students from Heath Park, Moseley Park and Coppice travelled to Weston super Mare on Wednesday this week with NCS – National Citizen Service....

Find Events in Wolverhampton this Easter

Looking for a Cracking time this Easter? We’ve got it covered with a huge range of events happening across the city for families, children and young people. Make sure you take a look at what’s...

An Evening of Excellence

Students were congratulated on their successful applications and induction into the Excellence Academy by attending an evening of celebration.  In order to be awarded a place on our prestigious journey of excellence, students had to...

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