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Year Options Guidance

Choosing your options is the first step to your future and as such is a very exciting time. You get to shape your learning for the next three years but also start to shape your...


A Poem by Zenani Phakathi 7MZ I am a Salem Witch forced from her home Shoved into a new world, I am all alone Everything I have ever known is now a distant memory I...

Excellence Academy Lead on World Book Day 2023

Marley Law-Baker and Amiya Chandard (8RL) have this week been leading on whole school assemblies in celebration of World Book Day. They have been promoting reading for pleasure amongst our students by discussing how reading for...

Design a National Book Token Competition

It wouldn’t be World Book Day without National Book Tokens’ Design a National Book Token competition, the annual nationwide contest that encourages children of all ages to share their creativity – and their love for books...

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