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An Outstanding Start Back

We have had an outstanding start to the new academic year and have been delighted with how well our students have settled back in, under what is now our ‘new normal’ working day.

Attendance is excellent and we cannot thank you all enough for your contribution in encouraging your children to attend school every day. The students have certainly done us proud and have adapted quickly to the new systems in school to ensure that we maintain social bubbles and keep everyone in the school as safe as we can.

Life looks very different for us all but life at Moseley Park remains a happy, safe, and engaging environment for our staff and students. Safety for all is our absolutely priority so as a reminder, please do not send your child into school if they feel unwell, and call the absence line to report all absences, each day, so that for safeguarding purposes, we know where all our young people are at all times. Please seek appropriate medical advice through the NHS 111/119 services and see the flowchart below which gives some key indicators of what to do during COVID 19.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at school and we will be happy to help.